Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: Celestron 6SE OTA
Camera: Altair Hypercam 269C PRO TEC
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ5 PRO Synscan GoTo
Guide Scope: TS-Optics Deluxe 50 mm Guiding/Finder scope
Guide Camera: ZWO AS120MC-S
Software: APT, PHD2, PixInsight, Lr
Accessories: Starizona HyperStar C6 v4
120 x 60" ISO/Gain: 565 - 01.11.21, bortle 2, no filter, -10
30 x 120" ISO/Gain: 565 - 01.11.21, bortle 2, no filter, -10
180 x 60" ISO/Gain: 565 - 01.01.22, bortle 3, no filter, -10
Gray zoneLight Pollution:
Tallinn, Estonia
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