Abell 61 (PK 077.6+14.7)

 Posted: 29 Aug, 2020
Abell 61 (PK 077.6+14.7)
Objects: Less More
Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain CPC800 GPS (XLT)
Camera: Starlight Xpress Trius SX694
Mount: equatorial wedge
Guide Scope: Baader 61x250mm
Guide Camera: ASI120MM
Software: MaxIm DL6, PHD2, PixInsight, StarTools, Photoshop CC, Zoner photo studio 14
Accessories: reducer Starizona 0.75x, filters Astrodon LRGB E-series gen.2, Astrodon Ha 5nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm
92 x 300" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon L
16 x 600" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon R
16 x 600" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon G
16 x 600" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon B
38 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon Ha 5nm
44 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon OIII 3nm
Yellow zoneLight Pollution:
 Chervonograd, Ukraine
36 h 10 m
Abell 61 (PK 077.6+14.7) is pretty faint and pretty ancient planetary nebula in Cygnus. It is located somewhere aroud 4,500 light years away and its age is estimated to 22,000 years. Central star apparent brightness is 17mag and its surface temperature is over 60,000 K. Apparent diameter of Abell 61 is about 3.3 arc minutes, so it is similar size as famous M97 Owl nebula. But Abell 61 is about 100 times fainter.

This image taken over several nights in September 2019.
L-channel - 92 x 300 sec. bin 1x1;
R-channel - 16 x 600 sec. bin 1x1;
G-channel - 16 x 600 sec. bin 1x1;
B-channel - 16 x 600 sec. bin 1x1;
Ha- 38 x 900 sec. bin 2x2;
OIII- 44 x 900 sec. bin 2x2.
Total integration time - 36:10 hours.
Resolution: 2034x1723 px
Scale: 3903 KB
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Обалдеть, 36 часов выдержки
30 Aug, 2020 Reply

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