One Frame - M27-15sec-15HCG-DS10c-220605-DarkerHistogram.jpg

 Posted: 8 Jun, 2022
One Frame - M27-15sec-15HCG-DS10c-220605-DarkerHistogram.jpg
Objects: Less More
Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: Celestron C8
Camera: Mallincam DS10c - IMX294
Mount: Explore Scientific EXOS-2 EQ5 PMC-8
Software: DSS, Startools, GIMP
Accessories: Anteres f/6.3 reducer and IR cut filter
 Topanga, California
This is just a single "test" image to see how round the stars are.

My collimation is out to where the stars on the right side are very round (for an SCT) and the left side is a bit distorted - and my sensor is a "micro four thirds" which is half the width and height of a full frame 35mm sensor, so we aren't seeing as far towrds the edges as we aould with a 35mm sensor
Resolution: 3704x2778 px
Scale: 11097 KB
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