Accessories:0.85x SW Quattro coma corrector, ZWO ASIAir Pro
143 x 180" ISO/Gain: 100 - Antlia EDGE Ha
142 x 180" ISO/Gain: 100 - Antlia EDGE OIII
172 x 180" ISO/Gain: 100 - Antlia EDGE SII
Gray zoneLight Pollution:
Улан-Эрге, Россия
22 h 51 m
My first experience with SHO imaging. Pure Hubble palette: S->R; H->G, O->B, no Pixelmath formulas used. As I learned AFTER I captured the main bulk of lights, I used the wrong gain settings (facepalm), so the image is a little bit noisy for almost 23 hours of total exposure, but that's still a huge improvement over my previous OSC camera.
This time I used Pixelmath formulas to mix Ha and Sii signals to produce more gold/cyan like image, as well as give stars and dust their natural colors.
My first experience with SHO imaging. Pure Hubble palette: S->R; H->G, O->B, no Pixelmath formulas used. As I learned AFTER I captured the main bulk of lights, I used the wrong gain settin...
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