Messier 92 (also known M 92, or NGC 6341)

 Posted: 8 Dec, 2021
Messier 92 (also known M 92, or NGC 6341)
Objects: Less More
Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain CPC800 GPS (XLT)
Camera: Starlight Xpress Trius SX694
Mount: equatorial wedge
Guide Scope: Baader 61x250mm
Guide Camera: ASI120MM
Software: MaxIm DL6, PHD2, PixInsight, StarTools, Photoshop CC, Zoner photo studio 14
Accessories: reducer Starizona Night Owl 0.4х, filters Astrodon LRGB E-series gen 2
60 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon L
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon R
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon G
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon B
Yellow zoneLight Pollution:
 Chervonograd, Ukraine
5 h 30 m
Messier 92 (also known M 92, or NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. It was discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1777, then published in the Jahrbuch during 1779. It was inadvertently rediscovered by Charles Messier in 1781 and added as the 92nd entry in his catalogue. It is about 26,700 light-years away from the Solar System. It is one of the brighter of its sort in apparent magnitude in the northern hemisphere and in its absolute magnitude in the galaxy, but it is often overlooked by amateur astronomers due to angular proximity to bright cluster Messier 13, about 20% closer. It is visible to the naked eye under very good conditions.

This image taken in September 2021.
Resolution: 2634x2106 px
Scale: 4336 KB
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