Accessories:reducer Starizona Night Owl 0.4х, filters Astrodon LRGB E-series gen 2, Astrodon Ha 5nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm
34 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon R
34 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon G
34 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon B
45 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon Ha 5nm
68 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon OIII 3nm
Yellow zoneLight Pollution:
Chervonograd, Ukraine
32 h 30 m
Huet 9, Hu 9, PN G 073.1-03.4 is a planetary nebula candidate in constellation Cygnus.
Hu 9 is a faint and large planetary nebula candidate with a size of 27x20 arcminutes. Was discovered by the French amateur astronomer Laurent Huet in August 2019.
This is the first colour image ever taken of Hu 9 nebula.
Coordinates: 20:29:35.35 +33:07:32.0
This image taken over several nights in September, early October 2021.
R-channel - 34 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
G-channel - 34 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
B-channel - 34 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
Ha- 45 x 900 sec. bin 2x2;
OIII- 68 x 900 sec. bin 2x2.
Total integration time about 32:30 hours.
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