PN G136.7+61.9

 Posted: 3 Aug, 2021
PN G136.7+61.9
Objects: Less More
Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain CPC800 GPS (XLT)
Camera: Starlight Xpress Trius SX694
Mount: equatorial wedge
Guide Scope: Baader 61x250mm
Guide Camera: ASI120MM
Software: MaxIm DL6, PHD2, PixInsight, StarTools, Photoshop CC, Zoner photo studio 14
Accessories: reducer Starizona Night Owl 0.4х, filters Astrodon LRGB E-series gen 2, Astrodon Ha 5nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm
52 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon L
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon R
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon G
24 x 150" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon B
59 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon Ha 5nm
50 x 900" ISO/Gain: 0 - Astrodon OIII 3nm
Yellow zoneLight Pollution:
 Chervonograd, Ukraine
32 h 25 m
PN G136.7+61.9 is a planetary nebula in Ursa Major.
PN G136.7+61.9 is extremely faint planetary nebula with size of about 7 arcminute that was discovered in 2013 by analysing data from the SDSS spectroscopic survey. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey or SDSS is a major multi-spectral imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, United States. The project was named after the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which contributed significant funding.
This is the first colour image ever taken of PN G136.7+61.9 planetary nebula. In appearance, as well as low surface brightness, this planetary nebula could be called "Night Owl Nebula".

This image taken over several nights in May 2021.
L-channel - 52 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
R-channel - 24 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
G-channel - 24 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
B-channel - 24 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;
Ha- 59 x 900 sec. bin 2x2;
OIII- 50 x 900 sec. bin 2x2.
Total integration time about 32:25 hours.
Resolution: 2726x2180 px
Scale: 7974 KB
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