Ildar Ibatullin
Ildar Ibatullin
701 16
14 Aug, 2023
Astrophotographer from Ukraine
Photos taken with:
Пользователь пока не создал ни одного альбома.
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Telescope or Lens: GSO 150/750 Canon 40mm f/2.8 Canon 35mm f/1.4
Main Camera: Canon 6d Canon 550Da Canon 550da Xiaomi Mi 9
Mount: Arsenal EQ5
Software: PIPP Autostakkert3! Adobe Photoshop DeepSkyStacker FitStacker raw2cdng AutoStakkert3 Registax 6 Fitswork Fitswork4 Topaz de noise Registax6 Adobe Lightroom WinJupos MLV Producer Adobe Lighroom FITStakerV14
Accessories: Barlow Lens 2x Baader UV-IR cut Barlow Lens 2x powered to 4 5x GSO Barlow Lens 5x UV-IR cut filter UV-IR cut Celestron Barlow Lens 2x Barlow Lens 2x powered to 3x Celestron Barlow Lens 2x (Power to 4 5x)
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