M16 RGB+Ha

 Posted: 3 Jun, 2020
M16 RGB+Ha
Objects: Less More
Technical Info
Telescope or Lens: Takahashi 102s
Camera: Qhy163m
Mount: Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT
Guide Scope: OAG
Guide Camera: QHY5L-IIm
Software: APT, PixInsight, Photoshop
Accessories: 0.7 Reducer/Flettner
30 x 120" ISO/Gain: 200 - Baader Ha 7nm 1.25"
2 x 300" ISO/Gain: 174 - Baader Ha 7nm 1.25"
5 x 600" ISO/Gain: 174 - Baader Ha 7nm 1.25"
40 x 60" ISO/Gain: 174 - DeepSky R
30 x 60" ISO/Gain: 174 - DeepSky G
22 x 60" ISO/Gain: 174 - DeepSky B
White zoneLight Pollution:
 Москва, Россия
3 h 32 m
Телескоп Takahashi Tsa 102s + 0.7x reducer/flattener
Камера QHY163m
Монтировка SkyWhacher AZEQ6
Внеосевой гид + камера QHY5L-IIm
Фильтр Baader Ha 7nm 30x120c (gain 200, offset 70, T -15C) + 2x300c + 5x600c (gain 174, offset 77, T -15C)
Фильтры RGB DeepSky: R - 40x60c ;G - 30x60c; B - 22x60c (gain 174, offset 77, T - 5C)
Калибровка, выравнивание, сложение, обработка - PixInsight + Photoshop.
Место съемки - Юг Москвы, балкон.
Resolution: 3607x2390 px
Scale: 7862 KB
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